What does a typical night of care look like??

Every family is unique when it comes to their night time support needs. Our team is open to adjusting and following your lead, that said theres a pretty typical way a night shift goes.

On a typical 930p-630a shift you can expect:

Usually the first 15-30 minutes of a shift are spent chatting with parents, answering questions and getting updates.

Around 10pm parents head to bed and many times there’s a pumping session if one parent is providing milk for baby.

We get started on freezing any breastmilk that needs frozen, prepare bottles for the night if needed, wash any bottles or pump parts, get a load of baby laundry going and load/unload a dishwasher if it’s not too loud based on the setup of the house.

Usually around 11 there’s a feeding and diaper change and hopefully baby is back in their bed and sleeping before midnight.

We rest when baby is resting. Depending on the feeding plan we either are on baby’s schedule feeding/changing based on baby’s needs. If one parent is pumping overnight they’ll text us when they’re done so we can manage their milk. If a parent is nursing we bring baby to them for the feeding and provide any hands on lactation support they may need.

At the end of the shift we finish any laundry we started, wash any bottles/pump parts that were used overnight and do a little write up of how the night went for parents who want that.

Depending on the family’s morning schedule we either bring baby to the parents and head out or a parent meets us at the end of the shift to debrief.