Let Us Be Your Guide

Babies don't come with a how-to manual, so let the Windy City Doulas team be your guide to all things baby. Be it your first or fifth baby, a singleton or triplets, the transition to parenthood can be filled with ups and downs, and is exhausting nevertheless. Having the best team available to help guide and support you during this time can make for a more relaxed and enjoyable experience for the whole family. 

Our skillful trained doulas, newborn care specialists and night nurses make the emotional and physical transition to parenthood a calmer and more restful one. Our team is able to provide multiple support services including daytime care, overnight support and 24 hour care as either a live-in doula or a travel companion for vacations. Windy City Doulas prides ourselves in having a postpartum team who is experienced and specifically trained in working with all families including surrogates, preemies, twins and triplets. 

Let us support you through the 4th trimester as you and your family adjust to life as a new family from the hospital room to your living room.


Our doulas and night nurses are trained to meet your family's individual needs for newborn care and postpartum support from the beginning. Our goal for your family is that through our support you will feel rested, educated and confident in caring for your baby during our time apart and after our contract ends. Our team of doulas and newborn care specialists will help ease the fears and stressors that come with a new baby as you learn to cope with the demands of parenthood in those first few days, weeks, and even months. We will help create a customized plan for your family that may include:

  • Maximizing sleep efforts

  • Feeding and pumping education for breast and bottle fed babies

  • Referrals to in home and in office IBCLC lactation support

  • Recognizing normal newborn behaviors

  • Accompanying you and baby to doctor visits

  • Meal prep

  • Teaching newborn care

  • Recommendations and instruction on using any newborn and postpartum products

  • Light housekeeping and errands

Our agency works with Carrot, Maven, Progyny and other Postpartum benefit programs frequently. Have questions?? Use the blue button below to contact us.


Being in the hospital with your new baby can be a challenge even with the wonderful hospital staff available. In-hospital postpartum support was designed for families recovering from an intense births (both vaginal or surgical) or who are experiencing an extended hospital stay and would like to keep their baby by their side. It is hard to serve from an empty vessel, so let our doulas be the ones to help you maintain some calm during a tiring and sometimes stressful period in life. 

Fees for postpartum doulas range from $45-$52/hr